#Dog# #36Months# #knee joint-other position-rupture of cranial cruciate ligament# #knee joint-other position-TPLO#

20220704-【Rupture of cranial cruciate ligament】A Shiba Inu, fixed with TPLO-S system successfully

Kunming Hengjia Animal Hospital of YunnanDr. Du2022-07-16 426

AShiba Inu, named Baiguo, 3 years old, male (uncastrated), 12Kg. He was hit by a car two weeks ago. The pet owner took the dog to the doctor for persistent limping in the left hind limb. Physical examination revealed muscle atrophy of the left hind limb and a positive drawer test of the left knee joint. A diagnosis of left cranial cruciate ligament injury was made. We did a TPLO surgery for him. The osteotomy was performed with a 15#saw blade and fixed with BlueSAO TPLO-6.5mm L pure titanium locking plate. The surgery went well, we hope for a speedy recovery!

Thanks to Dr. Du from Kunming Hengjia Animal Hospital of Yunnan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO