#Dog# #84Months# #12kg# #knee joint-other position-rupture of cranial cruciate ligament# #knee joint-other position-TPLO#

20200615 -【Rupture of cranial cruciate ligament】A Shiba Inu, fixed with T-shape locking plate of PRCL- M system successfully

Kunming Hengjia Animal HospitalDr. Chen2020-07-15 947

A Shiba Inu, named Pipi, 7 years old, male, 12kg. Half a year ago, he suffered from a rupture of cranial cruciate ligamentof left leg. We did a TPLO surgery by using BlueSAO T-shape locking plate of PRCL-8.5mm system, and herecovered well. However, the right leg appeared claudication recently. The DR image showed that the knee-joint was subluxation. This dog suffered from medialpatellar luxationand serious arthritis. The sedation drawer test was positive. We did a TPLO surgery and a transposition of the tibial tuberosity by using BlueSAO T-shape locking plate of PRCL-M8.5mm system. The TPA was corrected accurately . Hope the guy recovery soon!

Thanks for Dr. Chen from Kunming Hengjia Animal Hospital of Yunnan province bringing us the case.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO