#Dog# #11Months# #2.2kg# #hip joint-other position-other fracture# #hip joint-other position-THR#

A case of hip replacement in an ultra-miniature dog

Shanghai Baicui Animal HospitalZhou Luoping2022-11-15 436

A poodle called Xiao Bao, 11 months old, 2.2 kg, was seen for lameness of the right hind limb. It could be observed that the right hind limb walked with small steps and was afraid to exert force.

Preoperative video

Examination revealed severe atrophy of the thigh muscles of his right hind limb, a grade 1 medial patellar luxation, and difficulty in hip abduction. An X-ray was performed and revealed a lesion in the femoral head/femoral neck region on the right side.

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO