BlueSAO Small Animal Orthopedics Case Library

20210128 -【Repairing of old and infected fracture of tibia and fibula】Orange cat, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
Orangecat, 18months old, male, neutered, 3kgThis orange cat suffered an open fracture of the tibia and fibula a few mont
20201209 -【Fracture of bilateral mandible】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, 10 years old, female, 3kg, injured by a accidental fall, caused a fracture of bilateral mandible. The tooth ro
20201209 -【Open fracture of tibia and fibula】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, 7 years old, female, 2.5kg. Her tibia and fibula were broken by a mousetrap. The skinwas damaged and the fract
20201209 -【Comminuted fracture of scapula】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, 3 years old, male, 3.6kg, bitten by a dog, caused a comminuted fracture of scapula, fixed with double BlueSAO
20201209 -【Comminuted fracture of femur】A Border Collie, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-M antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Border Collie, 6 months old, male, 13kg, hit by a car, caused a comminuted fracture of right femur and skin injury, fi
20201110-【Comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula】A Poodle, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Poodle, 10 years old, female, 6kg, fell off the table, caused a comminuted fracture of left tibia and fibula. We used
20201118 -【Comminuted fracture of femur】A American Shorthair cat, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A American Shorthair cat, 3 years old, male, fell down from a high place, caused a comminuted fracture of right femur. C
20201120-【Open comminuted fracture of tibia and fibula】A Chinese rural dog, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-M antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A dog, 10 months old, male, 12.5kg, jumped from a motorbike, caused an open comminuted fracture of right tibia and fibul
20201025 -【Fracture of femur】A cat, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A cat, named Qiao lezi, 7 months old, female, 3.1kg, fell down from the 12th floor, caused the lameness of left hind lim
20200804 -【Comminuted open fracture of bilateral tibia】A Ragdoll cat, fixed with HyProtect-PRCL-S antimicrobial plasma coating plate system successfully
A Ragdollcat, 9 months old, male, 4.6kg, fell down from the sixth floor, caused a comminuted open fractureof bilateralti

Orthopedic Instruments We Use BlueSAO